Review: The Fifth Season - N.K Jemisin

The Fifth Season is a book about a horrifying fantasy world plagued with constant natural disasters that stop humanity from progressing beyond feudal societies. There's magic, but it's entirely composed of really complicated geomancy with breathtakingly in depth geographic terminology. Think Toph with a geography PHD explaining to you exactly what she's doing moment to moment, it's incredible.
It's a dark fantasy filled with tragedy and cruelty, which I usually hate, but this was a big exception. Most of the story has a strong theme of *coping* with what is going on and moving forward with it, which I really enjoyed.
It's got fantastic pacing and a classic twist, and gripped me so good. If you're looking for some really original fantasy, you might wanna check this out.


Review: Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan


Review: Sorcerer to the Crown - Zen Cho